Friday, February 11, 2011

How to Tone Your Butt Fast: The BEST Butt Exercises for Women

Let's face it, a lot of women today just aren't happy with the size and shape of their derrieres.  This is why butt exercises are some of the most sought after exercises for women.   Statistically, women consider their butts to be too small, too large, too shapeless, too flat or saggy. The great news is there are very specific butt exercises that will make a tremendous difference in the shape and size of your butt and help you get the sexy appearance you long for.

An important thing to remember is that exercises for your butt alone will not get rid of body fat. To do this, you need to incorporate a complete exercise and nutrition plan into your fitness routine.

Keep in mind, each body type responds differently to butt exercises.  Also, your genetics play a role in how your body responds to different exercises. But through hard work and determination, you CAN change the firmness and size of your butt.

Here are five great exercises to re-shape and re-size your glutes. Remember, form is critical when performing any exercise to prevent injury, so always be sure to you use a controlled motion.  Tighten your abdominal and back muscles to stabilize your body, and never swing or use momentum if using weights.  And if you feel any pain, stop immediately!  If you are very out of shape, consult a health care professional before beginning any exercise regime.

#1 - Squats.
Squats are probably the best exercise for your butt.  Butt exercises like the squat will not bulk up your butt!  And it's been proven that squats will help women shape, firm and tone their butt!
Tip:  When doing squats, don't place the weight bar too high or rest it on the base of your neck.
Also, don't allow your weight to tip forward onto your toes.  Be careful to NOT lean forward or curve your back. This will stress your back and decrease the effectiveness of the exercise.
Do not twist.  Your chest should come up first, followed by your hips.

If you are a beginner, it's wise to start with no weight, using only bodyweight for resistance. The first few times you try the various butt exercises you will very likely experience stiffness and/or soreness in your butt and legs for the next day or so.

#2 - Dumbbell Lunges.
This is a very good exercise for working your glutes, quads, inner and outer thighs and hamstrings. You can perform it in either a stationary position, or walking in a straight line.
Complete a full set, then switch legs and repeat. Or you can switch legs and move forward across the floor with each repetition.
When performing this exercise you should pay close attention to the angle formed by your thigh and lower leg. Your knee should be directly over your ankle. Don't let your knee stray over your toes.  Your knee and toes should be pointed in the same direction.  You may use a weighted barbell for added resistance.

#3 - Straight Leg Dead-lifts.
This exercise will work your hamstrings, butt and lower back.  Grab a barbell with both hands using an overhand grip, stand up straight with your hands and feet shoulder width apart.
DO NOT hunch your back or lean backwards as this can increase your risk of back injury. Keep your back fairly straight throughout the exercise.  Looking straight ahead will help you keep your back straight.

#4 - Lying Or Seated Leg Curls.
For leg curls, you can use either a seated or lying down hamstring machine, ankle weights, or resistance bands.  This exercise helps develop the hamstrings, which are very important for having a nice butt and developing muscles used with other butt exercises.  Concentrate on using a full range of motion.

#5 - Wall Squats.
Wall squats help to increase leg muscle strength and create an isometric contraction on your erector spinae to help strengthen your back. It's also a great exercise for stabilizing the knee joints and your core/abs.

Do these butt exercises every two to three days, allowing at least 48 hours of rest in between.  

 The Five Best Butt Exercises

For all exercises perform 3 sets of 10 reps each.

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